Friday, December 27, 2019

Analysis Of Shakespeare s Othello - 902 Words

Manga Shakespeare is able to properly convey Shakespeare’s original story and language through its use of images, original text, and speech bubbles. The manga’s use of different speech bubbles conveys the intended language and emotions of Othello, as if it is being preformed rather than if it is simply read, thus putting forth a product that accurately depicts Othello in a similar fashion to which the play originally was intended to be viewed. One of the ways Shakespeare’s language is conveyed in the manga is through the use of normal speech bubbles. Throughout the manga speech bubbles are the main way that Shakespeare’s language is presented. These speech bubbles are simply round text blocks, which may or may not contain a line pointing in the direction of the character that is speaking. The speech bubbles are quite effective in conveying Shakespeare’s language, as they are easy to read and clearly indicate which character is speaking. In compariso n, the text makes it clear who is speaking by the name of a character being mentioned before their lines. This is also an effective way of ensuring the audience is aware of what is being said, although based on the reader one method may be preferable to the other. While reading the original text some people find it difficult to focus on whom the speaker is when some of the characters lines are very long and may go on for a page or more. Within the manga this is rectified by the speech bubbles being short and concise, thusShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Othello 1131 Words   |  5 PagesAn Analysis of Othello by Shakespeare Shakespeare is known for his use of recurring themes throughout his work, including love, death and betrayal. These themes are present in his work of Othello. However, the most fundamental issue is jealousy. The lives of the characthers in Othello are ruined by jealousy from the beginning to the end of the play. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Failure to Launch Essay - 925 Words

Failure to launch - According to Hala Al-Nasser reporter at USA TODAY, the biggest impact that make people stay home longer is because of lower income and less education. In the movie failure to launch, Tripp has a great job yet he stays at his parents house and doesn’t think about moving out. According to Riegels Interpretation of Development and The Family Life Cycle, there are reasons why Tripp refused to leave the nest. U.S. census data for the year 2011 showed that almost 20% of Americans between the ages of 25 to 34 were living with their parents. For those aged 18 to 24, the number is 59% of men and 50% of women. Tripp’s environmental dimension is the best he could ever desire, as he lives in the same house ever since he†¦show more content†¦The only thing he does have however is a job yet he only uses it to his advantage and not for a future relationship. As Tripp’s parents start to give him chores and let him do everything independently which eventually doesn’t last very long, he decides to let go of Paula by breaking up with her but that doesn’t work very well, because he finds out about Paula and his parents plan. When Tripp finally accepts his parents decision for wanting him to move out and he finally falls in love with Paula (after being tied to a chair), Tripp is ready to commit to a real relationship and not have too much worries about his previous fiance death. After so much struggle to make Tripp launch out of the house, he is finally ready to be emotionally independent and develop a new intimate relationship. Bibliography: Failure to Launch - Writings - (n.d.). Writings - Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Holloway, M. (2003). Individuals and families in a diverse society. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Nasser, H. E., TODAY, U. (n.d.). Bad economic times reunite families: Grown kids are living at home – USA TODAY: Latest World and US News - Retrieved April 7, 2013, fromShow MoreRelatedI Disagree With Kenneth Waltz’S Positionthat Nuclear Proliferation1229 Words   |  5 Pagesnot take the risk of second-strike retaliation and mass destruction. He disregards the risk of accidental nuclear crises. Waltz also claims that the threat of US invasion without UN endorsement acts as an impediment to international control. In this essay, I will detail these key points in Waltz’s argument and the weaknesses I see in his argument, beginning with those of Waltz. Waltz claims that the idea of a small nation wishing to acquire nuclear weapons is â€Å"as odd as it is pervasive†1. His examplesRead MoreNanda Homes Rapid Success of the Clocky in America then Decreased Revenue854 Words   |  3 PagesNanda Home achieving rapid success in first few years through the launch of Clocky in America has been experiencing decrease of revenue. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Investment in Interest Rate †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Business Investment in Interest Rate. Answer: Introduction Consumers confidence has already been undermined by the low level of government spending. The cut in government spending is a contractionary policy and thus not good for an economy like Australia that is struggling with the issue of low economic growth. The Australian RBAs cash rate has been lowered to a level that is too low; despite this reduction, the economic growth has been low. It is therefore not certain whether a further interest rate cut would have a significant positive impact on the economic growth. Generally, economists believe that low interest rate is a major promoter of economic growth. It promotes economic growth in that it encourages investors to invest more on businesses by discouraging them from saving. All the capital that the investors fail to save is invested. On the contrary, the impact of low interest rate on the Australian business investment has not been attractive. This paper will consider all the arguments posed by different economists and weigh the possib ility of business investment rising or remaining unchanged after a further drop in the cash rate. It will also determine how high level of business investment impacts the aggregate demand, the real GDP and Price level. The lower cash rate will definitely result in increased business investment if not accompanied by other economic issues. The discouraged investors will be attracted to invest by the low interest rate. Maguire (2017) noted that the acquisition of capital is dependent on the interest rate offered; businesses would find it to repay their loans when the rates are lower. According to Pettinger (2016), lower interest rate discourages savings since the returns gained from saving declines and thus consumers prefers spending over saving; part of this spending goes to investment. An interest rate of close to zero as is the case for Australia makes the interest income from savings to be close to zero; this may offset the positive effects of the reduction in interest rate because people such as savers who rely heavily on saving will have no income to make demand. However, this would make such savers to quit saving and withdraw their bank deposits and invest in risky investments such as stocks (M adura (2014). There is plenty of money supply in the economy whenever the interest rate is lower. This creates a need for the banks to lend more; they can only do this by in turn lowering their interest rate to make the loans more attractive such that the demand for the loan goes up (Duff, 2017). The low interest rate causes the loan borrowing costs to fall. Thus, Financing Manufacturing, operations and distribution of goods and services become cheaper. This in turn makes the price on goods and services to fall. Consumers therefore benefit from these low prices and their demand rises; a higher demand subsequently stimulates investment in that there is an expanded market for the produced goods. Households and investors take this chance to borrow loans to repay their debts; thus there is more funds available for investment. The initial interest rate level is r1 and the business investment at this interest rate level is BI1. A reduction in the interest rate from r1 to r2 results in the business investment rising from BI1 to BI2 (Madura, 2012). The lower cost of using capital increases the number of business opportunities that need to be funded. The argument here is that consumers and investors spending has already been discouraged; the discouragement has resulted from a reduction in money in the economy after the government reduced it spending. However, an expansionary monetary policy will have a similar impact to a high level of government spending. Thus a low interest rate will increase the money in the Australian economy and the consumer and investors confidence will be restored. Duff also noted that interest cycles are important for businesses. They time when the interest rate are lower to expand their businesses. Business expansion results in more people being employed and higher wages are offered, this stimulates the economys demand. Their increased spending will stimulate business investment. The low interest rate will also lead to a decline in the Australian exchange rate which will make its export more competitive and thus a need to increase production. Consumers will take the advantage of the low rate to invest in assets that would increase their wealth. According to Bagus (2015), lower interest rate makes some projects to be profitable that would otherwise have been unprofitable. The Impact of a Rise in Business Investment on the Aggregate Demand Assuming that the reduction in interest rate has succeeded in raising the business investment, it is expected that this will subsequently influence the aggregate demand. An increase in business investment causes the aggregate demand to rise; this is because business investment is one of the components of the aggregate demand. The other components include; consumption, government spending and the net export. The equation for the aggregate demand is given by;where (X M) is the net export (Mankiw, 2016). Any addition of the right hand side components is reflected on the left hand side component. The increase in aggregate demand causes a right ward shift of the Aggregate demand curve (Sexton, 2015). To show the changes in the aggregate demand, a graph of the general price level against the real GDP is plotted as follows; LRAS is the long run aggregate supply curve whereas SRAS is the short run aggregate supply curve. The graph above shows the impact of a rise in business investment from a reduction in interest rate. The impacts rendered above is on three components; one is the demand curve, second is the real GDP, and finally is the price level. The analysis starts from an initial equilibrium level of aggregate demand and Supply. The aggregate demand curves are downward sloping, SRAS upward sloping and the LRAS is vertical. The vertical supply curve represents the maximum production level of the economy. The equilibrium level to start with is point E1 where the price level is P1, the real GDP level is Y1, the Aggregate demand curve is AD1 and the supply curve is SRAS. Increase investment shifts the AD1 curve to AD2. This rightward shift forms a new equilibrium E2. The new equilibrium E2 is at a higher level and is characterized by a higher real GDP level Y2 and a higher price level P2 (Khanacademy.or g, 2017). Thus, a lower interest rate will help in the recovery of the Australian economy. Conclusion It is not effective for the government to lower its spending when its economy is not performing well. The best time to consider lowering the spending is when the economy has picked and the aggregate demand is higher. The government should choose its policies wisely to avoid hurting the economy. Lower interest rate in Australia may will stimulate the business investment but not that much. Any increase in the business investment no matter how small will add to the aggregate demand and the real GDP will rise causing a rise in price. Bibliography Bagus, P. (2015). In defense of deflation. Cham: Springer. Duff, V. (2017). How Do Interest Rates Affect Businesses? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2017]. Gwartney, D., Stroup, R., Sobel, S., Macpherson, A. (2016). Macroeconomics: private and public choice. Boston, Massachusetts: Cengage Learning. (2017). Shifts in aggregate demand. [Online] Khan Academy. Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2017]. Madura, J. (2012). International financial management. Mason, OH, South-Western: Cengage Learning. Madura, J. (2014). Financial Markets and Institutions. 11th ed. Cengage Learning. Maguire, A. (2017). How Interest Rates Affect Your Small Business. [Online] QuickBooks. Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2017]. Mankiw, G. (2016). Brief principles of macroeconomics. Boston MA: Cengage learning. Pettinger, T. (2016). Effect of lower interest rates. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2017]. Sexton, R. (2015). Exploring Economics. 7th ed. Australia: Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Molly Maguires

The Molly Maguires developed as the active secret terrorist organization based on the idea of struggling with the capitalist mine owners. The representatives of the Molly Maguires had the Irish origin and followed Catholicism. The organization acted within the Pennsylvania coal region famous for its anthracite mines during the 1860s-1870s. Thus, the ethnic and religious principles and differences were accentuated.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Molly Maguires specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the legend associated with the organization’s name, the Irish miners referred to the name of the Irish Catholic woman Molly Maguire who was rather persistent while opposing to the Irish and English Protestants because they intended to remove the woman from the house because of her faith (The Molly Maguires (1970), 1999). The Molly Maguires could work for â€Å"The Ancient Order of the Hibernians†, the influential secret organization. The Molly Maguires acted as the protectors of the miners’ rights, but the methods used were rather violent. There is no single idea about the ideology of the society’s members or justification of their actions because they were oriented toward using terrorist techniques, murdering mine owners, organizing riots, and attacking police as the ways to act for the workers’ interests (The overthrow of the Molly Maguires, 2013). Thus, the activities’ purpose was to overcome discrimination against the Irish working class of miners. The organization depended on the developed structure and leadership of John Kehoe, the King of the Mollies (Boyer Morais, n.d.). To stop the society’s activities, the U.S. police developed the plan to integrate James McParlan, a detective, into the organization. During the months, McParlan worked to prevent violent murders and crimes and to gather the evidences against the society’ s members. The year of 1876 became the year of trials against the Molly Maguires. The activities of the society’s members were discussed as violating all the ethical and legal norms, and to contribute to declaring the sentences quickly, the Irish juries were removed during the trials (Linder, 2010). The events associated with the Molly Maguires are discussed as evidences of discrimination against the Irish people and workers as the class, first signs terrorism, and development of trade unions. References Boyer, R., Morais, H. (n.d.). The Molly Maguires. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Linder, D. (2010). The Molly Maguires trials: An account. Web. The Molly Maguires (1970). (1999). Web. The overthrow of the Molly Maguires. (2013). Web. This essay on The Molly Maguires was written and submitted by user Sariah Z. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. The Molly Maguires