Saturday, August 31, 2019

Food Security of Bangladesh Essay

Though they have taken so many initiatives for food security recently, but those are not sufficient comparatively to our growing population. Although food grain is more available in good harvest years, Bangladesh as a whole still has a very low level of nutrition. This means many households and individuals do not eat a balanced, nutritious diet, even in good years. According to the World Bank, approximately 33 million of the 150 million people in Bangladesh cannot afford an average daily intake of more than 1800 kilocalories (the minimum standard for nutrition as set by the World Food Program). For people in most developing countries, the daily calorie average is 2,828. In Bangladesh, that average is only 2,190. Poverty is the major factor effecting food security in Bangladesh. Despite the impressive increases in food grain, around half of Bangladeshis remain below the established food based poverty line. And, as many as one third are living in extreme poverty and severely undernourished. Recent food price increases, regular natural disasters, and strains on the global economic market have caused additional destabilization. Bangladesh is a agricultural land. And our country comprises 30% of GDP by producing food. Rice is our main food and our population requires 55. 0 million tons of rice per year. However our country is now producing 27. 32 million tons for more than 140 million people (BBS and DAE, 2007). Though the growth of productivity goes up, but these growths of productivity cannot reduce the poor people’s hunger of our country. Without rice, Bangladesh cultivates other crop, vegetables and fruits. Though having natural calamities production of these things are well. But to distribute all over the country Bangladesh has to import some. And for this reason market price of these foods remain high for some corrupted business, tax and for unplanned steps of government. For this reasons people of our country suffer a lot recently. Not only this, imbalanced and unequal livelihood is quite responsible for food security. There are so many rich peoples in Bangladesh who leads luxurious life, eat rich and expensive and at the same time waste a lot. And they don’t have any concern about the poor people of their country!

Adoption And Foster Care In California

With the advent of societal changes the numbers of children in foster care has risen, as have the complexity of their problems. In Califoronia, approximately 100,000 children are in out-of-home placement with parental substance abuse the most common reason for entry (California Department of Social Services, 7).A study by Lewis and associates (1995) reported the number of drug exposed infants entering foster care increased 3000% from 1981 to 1993 in Los Angeles County. Takayama and colleagues (1998) reported that nearly 80% of the children entering foster care in San Francisco Country had a substance abusing parent and over 90% of infants entering foster care were prenatally drug exposed.  Foster explains that perniciously addictive crack cocaine and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome have largely been responsible for dramatic increases of children with health related problems being placed in foster care (Foster, 11).   â€Å"Children whose parents abuse alcohol and drugs are al most three times more likely to be abused and more than four times more likely to be neglected† (Foster, 14).Another factor increasing foster care population is the reductions in welfare benefits, which have shown a relationship to increases in child abuse and neglect referrals (Children's Defense Fund, as cited in Freundlich, 2000).According to the Children's Defense Fund (as cited in Freundlich, 2000), child abuse and neglect referrals went up 12% when the families' welfare benefits were reduced 2.7%.   These same Los Angeles County figures showed an increase the following year of 20% referrals when benefits were reduced by 5.8%.Many children are placed in child protective custody because of neglect (Foster, 29) with the second most common reason being physical abuse, but in a number of cases children enter foster care because of reasons related to poverty.   Finally, the welfare mandatory work requirements for benefits with scarce provisions for child care exacerbates t he tensions that a single parent faces.With the 5-year lifetime welfare cap and a 20% reduction in the Food Stamp Program many families will not be able to sustain a safe and stable home.   In response to these reductions and pressures, more children may enter into the protective care and stay longer.In addition to reduced income, some families with disabled children stand to lose their Supplemental Security Income, due to tighter eligibility requirements (Freundlich, 35).   In all, there are twice as many children entering the child welfare system as there were 20 years ago (Foster, 35).Adoption in some form has been used to help families since recorded history.   A common form of informal adop tion utilized in colonial America was to indenture child ­ren to a family for the purpose of learning a trade (Hacsi, 164).Later, orphan asylums were operated to feed and house â€Å"poor and parentless children† (Foster, 41). Extreme poverty led some families to â€Å"place- out† their own children until they became economic ­ally viable family again (Hasci, 165). These informal adoption measures were gradually replaced as a new professionalism in child welfare began.The growing involvement of state and federal govern ­ment in child welfare and the establishment of the juvenile court system in 1900 altered and â€Å"greatly increased the numbers of state wards† (Hasci, 172).California led the way in 1915, by regulating and licensing placement home agencies and in 1920, started making payments for out of home care for those declared needy by the juvenile court (Hasci, 172).California state government encouraged adoption rather than boarding-out because it saved money and cut ties to biological parents who were thought of as being â€Å"morally delinquent† (Hasci, 173).Depression era funding created Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) with the goal of keeping children in the home by supporting impoverished families (Hasci, 173).   Th e role of government continues to dictate child welfare policies based on prevailing societal attitudes and current research.During the 1960s, federal foster care funding and the discovery of the â€Å"battered child syndrome† combined to further change the dynamics of child welfare.   Child pro ­tection against abuse became a nationwide concern and there was money in the coffers to fund a foster care system (Foster, 47).Money, awareness, and mandatory reporting laws increased foster care rolls from 300,000 in 1962, to 500,000 in 1977 (Foster, 49).   Numerous laws have been passed to organize and encourage adoption rates.   Originally the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 was enacted to offset an unintended conse ­quence of foster care.Moving from one foster home to another repeatedly exacerbated the adjustment and developmental problems of children already exposed to unstable and unsafe home environments.   It was hoped that this law would expedit e reunification efforts while slowing down foster drift by encouraging preventative strategies.Currently, adoption policy guided through President Clinton's 1997, Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) focuses on a parallel approach which emphasizes reuni ­fication and permanency options simultaneously.   Parents who are unable or unwilling to aggressively pursue reuni ­fication dictates will lose parental rights; however, much less time is wasted because of the joint approach and, therefore, children gain permanent homes sooner (Foster, 55).Although it seems logical now to encourage foster parents to adopt their foster children, affectionate ties were discouraged and sanctioned by many court cases (Stephens, 1992).   Prior to 1974 two-thirds of the states, including California, discouraged adoption by foster parents (Meezan, & Shireman, 14).Information had been postulated too regarding the deleterious effects of a lack of permanence in children's formative years.   As earl y as 1952, researchers Bowlby and Robertson discovered and described the three phases of protest, despair, and detachment that an infant or toddler will display when separated from their affectionate care giver and by 1969, Bowlby had published the first of three volumes about the importance of early and consistent attachment.However, the dissemination of this important finding was not significantly applied to practice until Congress passed the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, thereby recognizing the importance of permanency placement (Katz, 220).In December 1996, President Clinton directed the US Department of Heals and Human Services (DHHS) to develop strategies to achieve permanency more quickly for children in the foster care system and double the number of adoptions to 54,000 by fiscal year 2002.Data available at the current moment showed that while the number of children in foster care increased from 242,000 in 1983 to almost 500,000 in 1995, the number of ad options of children in out of home care stayed between 17,000 to 20,000 during this same period (Maza, 445).Clinton’s directive, disseminated by DHHS as Adoption 2002: A Response to the Presidential Executive Memorandum on Adoption made two important recommendations: (1) States were to develop plans to double their adoptions and set annual targets for the adoptions to be finalized through 2002 and upcoming years; (2)States would be rewarded with an annual financial bonus for each adoption finalized over the baseline number of adoptions (Maza, 449). Subsequently, the Adoption and Safe Families Act was passed and disbursements to child welfare agencies were authorized to increase the number of children adopted.It qualified a state to receive $4,000 for each adoption over the baseline of previous years and an additional $2,000 for each adoption finalized with a Title IV-E Adoption Assistance agreement (an additional payment for children with special needs) (Maza, 450).Medical, b ehavioral, developmental and educational (if appropriate) assessments are necessary to finalize an adoption. These assessments are confidential and are kept in the child’s record to document appropriate and mandated care. In San Francisco County and Los Angeles County, HIV screening is also a routine part of medical assessment for at-risk children in foster care.In 1996, the California state Department of Social Services formed the Adoption Policy Advisory Council to review adoption policies in California. The council created the Concurrent Planning Workgroup to develop and implement a model of concurrent planning as part of this effort (Williams, 18).This group assisted in developing Assembly Bill 1544, which became state law effective January 1, 1998, as Chapter 793, Statutes of 1997. Chapter 793 requires that a concurrent plan be developed for every child entering out-of-home care. Concurrent planning is a well-known approach to facilitating timely permanency for children in foster care.The concurrent plan names the child's permanency alternative to reunification – adoption, guardianship, or emancipation – and describes the services necessary to achieve this if reunification fails.Chapter 793 also explicitly clarified that certain concurrent planning activities -placement in a fost-adopt home, detailing services necessary to achieve legal permanence for child if reunification fails in the case plan, or providing such services concurrently with reunification efforts – could not, in and of themselves, be evidence of a failure to provide reasonable efforts.The law did not require that the permanent plan be pursued concurrently with the reunification plan. When reunification appears likely, â€Å"concurrent planning services† may consist of reassessing the family's situation in 90 days (Williams, 19). Chapter 793 also added a section to the Welfare and Institutions code requiring the court to query the birth mother at an early hearing regarding any presumed or alleged fathers.The court is subsequently responsible to provide hearing notice to all alleged fathers, with a paternity determination required of all men who respond. The hope is to avoid delays due to birth fathers' surfacing at termination of parental rights hearings and requesting parental rights and services, or objecting to termination of parental rights (Williams, 21). The California law also requires that the case plan describe whether the parent was advised of the option of relinquishment.WORKS CITEDFreundlich, M. Adoption and ethics:   The market forces in adoption.   Washington, DC:   ChildWelfare League of America, 2000California Department of Social Services, Data Analysis and Publications Branch, 2000Foster, L. K. Foster care fundamentals:   An overview of California's foster care system.California Research Bureau, California State Library, 2001Hacsi, T. From indenture to family foster care: A brief history of child placing.   ChildWelfare, 74, 162-181, 1995Meezan, W., & Shireman, J. Care & commitment. Albany, New York:   State University ofNew York Press, 1985Katz, L. Effective permanency planning for children in foster care.   National Association ofSocial Workers, 220-226, 1990, MayMaza, P.L. Using administrative date to reward agency performance: The case of the federalAdoption Incentive Program. Child Welfare, 79(5): 444-456Williams, L. Concurrent planning implementation guide. Sacramento, CA:CaliforniaDepartment of Social Services, 2001

Friday, August 30, 2019

Childcare Essay

4.3 Explain how play and activities are used to support the development of speech, language and communication. Play is vital to a child and young person’s development because it enables them to enjoy learning and promotes their development and also helps with their speech, language and communication skills, their physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Parents and practitioners need to understand how play supports children to learn and communicate with others, as it supports their speech language and listening skills. There are numerous games you can play with a child, young person in almost any environment and at any time, such as†¦ †¢When traveling in a car, plane or train. †¢Playing in the park, visiting the zoo or other centres. †¢Going to the supermarket or within the local community. †¢In the home, garden or at a setting they attend. When we provide positive interactions, facilities and visit, attend or live in enabling environments we are encouraging and supporting the right atmosphere for children and young people they can learn and develop their speech language and communication skills. As children develop good communication skills, the children will also need to be able to share and discuss their learning with their carers and their peers to help them to develop relationships. We can encourage children by helping them with their own concentration skills how they use their own observations, by listening and interacting with others this will help them to develop knowledge and their intellectual skills, their concentration and attention development. We need to provide a diverse range of resources to enable them to play, learn and develop their communication skills such as- †¢Books -are a great way of developing their speech and literacy skills, you could focus on books with symbolic sounds for early speech, story books to develop language, or looking at pictures and commenting on what you see, and listening to what the child and young person says. Providing a wide range of assorted books in other languages and different font sizes so that children with visual needs or other languages can read and understand. This is important to promote inclusion. We can also provide books in braille or audio and video books †¢Role play- dressing up and pretending in the different role play  areas will expand a child or young person’s creative imagination. They can talk and share ideas through role play and create stories to share and discuss their knowledge, feelings and imagination. When children use multi-cultural resources and new objects in their paly they learn about the names of different foods and other items in the role play area. †¢Music, songs, verse and rhymes- is also a good way to help them with their speech and language as it promotes repetition of words when we sing and talk in verses and rhymes. Children learn through repetition and singing rhymes is a good way to teach language. We can use musical instruments to teach beat and rhythm, fast and slow, quiet and loud which also promotes listening skills. When children and YP are taking part in a group it is enabling them to communicate and to interact with others or one other person. Making up songs at bedtime or bath times creates a good routine for them to join in to develop their skills to communicate. †¢Creativity – providing a wide range of creative materials which are available for children to play with will enable a child or young person to express themselves creatively, they can then share their ideas and how they created their item. It also encourages them to use their fingers and hands and develops their hand and eye coordinati on skills. When they are being creative they can be choosing and making choices and decisions such as paintings, drawing, tracing all these activities prompt communication as they discuss and use the tools to create and also is helping with their fine motor skills. †¢Small world play- when children play with small toys such as cars, trains, planes, animals, dolls, characters and shapes etc. They will use them creatively and make noises and sounds that they make and this will help to develop their awareness of sounds, pitch and tones. When children and adults share these toys they work together and share language and knowledge this supports the child to learn the names of objects and the sounds they make and what they are used for developing intellectual knowledge and also their language skills. †¢Puppets and dolls- children and young people will have grown up playing with. †¢Baking and cooking will-when we use a wide range of ingredients with children and young people they will learn new words about staying safe near hot surfaces. †¢Messy play will-support and allow children to use their senses to investigate and play with assorted messy materials adults and children can discuss senses and feelings and learn how to chat to describe things that they like or dislike. The wide range of equipment we make available and the diverse range of sensory and exciting toys that we provide encourage a child to interact as they play. It provides a fun way to involve and encourage a child or young person to discuss, chat and, develops their speech, language and communication

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Many topics you can chose from Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Many topics you can chose from - Essay Example Ground water can also lead to formation of wetlands or oases. There are ways in which ground water can be extracted from the earth’s surface for a score of uses. It can be used for home purposes, industrial usage, in addition to agricultural use for activities like irrigation. This can be possible by construction of extraction wells that draws water underneath the surface of the earth. Ground water has been distributed differently under the surface of the earth. In addition, underground water undergoes movement under the earth’s ground. Study of ground water motions, plus distribution is known as hydrogeology. It is also called ground water hydrology. Ground water can also include soil moisture, immobile water that is found in bedrocks that have very low permeability, and oil formation water that is found very deep in the earth’s surface. Ground water is thought to act as lubricants that cause movement of faults. The points under the surface of the earth where ground water originates are identified as aquifers. An aquifer has layers of porous materials that contain and transmit water. When aquifer is not confined, water can move freely between the earth’s surface and the saturated zone of an aquifer. Since gravity causes water to move downwards, deeper zones of the aquifer are further saturated as compared to the upper parts. Water table refers to the upper zone of the saturated layer of an unconfined aquifer. Below the water table, all spore spaces are saturated with water. This zone is known as phreatic zone. There is a substrate that slight porosity and allows little transmission of ground water. This substrate is called an aquitard. Aquifers have diverse features depending on the geology, and the structure of the substrate as well as the topography in which they happen. Aquifers that contain a high amount of water are situated in sedimentary geologic formations. Crystalline rocks that are weathered and fractured produce a

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Five themes of art and identifying and describing two examples of Research Paper

Five themes of art and identifying and describing two examples of works (from different centuries or cultures) - Research Paper Example i. Art of daily life Art and craft remains among the major practices carried by different cultures since time in memorial. Art is expressed through the objects, images and architecture created for daily use. According to Rauschenberg (1925 p. 51), these objects (material things) have meanings further outside the practical functions. A perfect example is the art of basketry which is perceived to be of great importance by the Pomo Indians. According to their legend, a Pomo ancestor stole the sun from gods in order to give light to dark earth; he used the basket to cover the sun high up. The Pomo basket depicts the universe which they used to move knowledge to human beings from gods in the beginning of the world. Another example is the Islamic art of the tile used in decoration of architectural surfaces. Though used by different cultures in the world, it particularly features the Islamic art. Tiles are mostly used to decorate the surfaces of a mosque, homes, schools, palaces and others. The tiles were therefore used to illustrate the interior design of a 19th century Iranian mosque. Different cultures can depict the art of life from different objects in which they use for everyday life. ii. Sacred realm Different people holding on different cultures have turned the universe into a sacred place of spirits. They communicate with spirits and develop faith that the spirits have answers to questions like the origin of the world, the beginning of life, the purpose of life and others. Through these beliefs, they have created different arts to enable them to develop the realism that allow them to communicate with the spirits. Different cultural believes have different images and objects for this purpose, they include the different cultural believes which are; Christians, Islamic, Indus and others Rauschenberg (1925 p.53) Architectural works have been created with different shapes and designs to portray the setting of a place that can be used to conduct the rituals of pray ers and worship. A good example is the Great Mosque which is an Islamic place of worship in Cordoba, Spain. The interior hall used for prayers has immense horizontal space with a regular rhythm of virtual forest of arches. The light goes in by the doorways placed on perimeter of the hall, filtered through the many columns which create shadows that make the interior design grasp the worshippers. The alternation of the red and white colors into sections creates a distinction in the arch forms while the hanging oil lamp at the centre of worship creates more shadows. Another example that depicts realism in the Christian believes is the model of Mary mother of Christ sited calmly on the throne holding the gesture who is the child Christ on her hand. She is surrounded by angels to quest believers of paradise and in great serenely posture of a virgin symbolizing holiness. iii. Politics and social order Most important systems that human beings hold on are the societies. Most of the early so cieties believed that the order in the universe is directly related to the earthly order, for example in Egypt Pharaoh who was the king was seen as a link between God the earth. He was seen as a small god and a ruler whose job was to maintain order on earth. When he died, people believed that he joined the gods; they prepared many tombs for him a sign of honor. Most known are the three pyramids, which up to date still serve as inspiring structures. Its weight and extend is tremendous that reflect the power of Pharaohs to command immense forces, it also

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

In consultation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

In consultation - Case Study Example The negotiating parties may discuss the consequences of the contract in detail before signing the final written contract. But these verbally discussed things will be legally valid only if it is included in the final written agreement. â€Å"The parol evidence rule applies to integrated contracts and provides that when parties put their agreement in writing, all prior and contemporaneous oral or written agreements merge in the writing† (Parol Evidence). In future, both the parties can deny the verbal offers made before the agreement if it is not included in the final written agreement. In the given case, Air phone Mobile service representative verbally assured Marvin that his company would take responsibility if any of its customers became sick from its phones. At the same time he refused to delete the clause included in the written agreement which states clearly that Air phone has no liability out of the sickness caused by its mobile phone use. In short, the parol evidence and written agreement are not contradictory in clauses and in future disputes the court will consider only the written agreement. FDA recommends the usage of hands free while using cell phones (West). In order to protect his employees, Marvin can ask them to use hands free along with the mobiles. Hands free allow the mobile users to keep the mobile phones in a distance from the body while making or receiving calls. Mobile phones cause health problems only when it comes closer to the body while in operation. Radiations from the mobile phones will be hyperactive when it is in use and hands free can prevent such radiations from striking our body. Marvin can also ask his employees to use text messages more frequently whenever possible. Text messages can prevent the employees from keeping the phone near to the head. Such messages can cause little damages to the employees. He can also advice his employees to bring the phone near to the ear only after the person at the other

Monday, August 26, 2019

Curriculum design for teaching high School Tennis Essay

Curriculum design for teaching high School Tennis - Essay Example It has also become a part of physical education programs in colleges and high schools. The objective of the researcher is to create a curriculum for teaching tennis to high school students. This curriculum must also show the relation of tennis to other disciplines. Since tennis is a game that requires accuracy and precision, certain principles in biomechanics and racket science should be considered. The understanding of these two subjects requires the application of math and physics. Also, since the sport requires a lot of movement and is very tasking for the body, a little knowledge in physiology can help them avoid or lessen injuries or muscle pains after the game. Human Physiology is actually a combination of anatomy and biochemistry. Therefore, this curriculum will also enhance the students’ knowledge and appreciation of the following subjects: physics, mathematics, anatomy and organic chemistry. Since there are many specialized terms associated with curriculum design, these terms are not defined the same way by many professionals in this field. According to David Armstrong, these are the basic design concepts that must be considered when one is designing a curriculum: 1.) scope, 2.) sequence, 3.) articulation, 4.) continuity, and 5.) balance.1 Scope â€Å"refers to the extent and depth of content coverage.†2 This is very significant in curriculum development because of its dependence on instructional time. Since the time given for a certain subject is fixed, expanding the coverage in one area would lead to the reduction of the coverage of another area. The scope can be molded by these considerations: 1.) legal constraints, 2.) content significance, 3.) content authenticity, 4.) motivational appeal, 5.) content complexity, and 6.) the instructor’s background and support-material availability.3 Legal constraints refer to the decisions that cannot be changed by the curriculum developers. These are usually mandated by the state, specifying the subjects

Sunday, August 25, 2019

SAP process "No need for research" Essay

SAP process "No need for research" - Essay Example ing is necessary for reduction of complex plant maintenance processes and includes several levels, which do not necessarily have to be implemented in full. The duration of such process execution depends on the number of employees involved in it and the complication of each of its steps. Asset Lifecycle management ensures the effective maintenance process. It starts with the identification of the need of the product or service whether from external or internal sources. The business should determine where to obtain the product and consider the suppliers in order to determine the necessary product for business. All this information along with the price and terms of exploitation are necessary to create the Purchase Requisition. After the responsible person specifies and defines that the price, specifications of the product and its terms and conditions are appropriate for the company, one does the Release of Purchase Order and the goods may be delivered to the company. The Purchase Order is usually delivered by fax or email with specification of purchasing documents. For every company it is important so the purchased order was delivered in time and for the supplier the payment was made as agreed and the work was completed for both sides. The stage of Goods Receipt means that the product is delivered and the recipient accepts or rejects the purchased item. During the period of discussing price and terms of exploitation of goods, the question of Installation or Putting into service are agreed. This means, that the supplier is responsible for installing of the purchased product, as well as service operation at purchaser request. By scheduling maintenance plans, asset lifecycle management forms orders and notifications for the proper work. The Preventive maintenance program should include the equipment condition monitoring which track the difference between the performing scheduled updates and a breakdown. Preventive maintenance is served for identifying a bigger problem.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

Globalization - Essay Example In the recent past, globalization has been given impetus by a number of forces such as the rapid changes in communications (â€Å"Globalization†); the birth of new and sophisticated means of communication such as the telephone, and computer technology such as the internet and email has speeded up the process of globalization. With these new and efficient ways of communication, information, ideas and knowledge can be transmitted everywhere within seconds and this has led to increased connectivity and interdependence, thus globalization. Increased communication at international level has resulted to cross-cultural interactions between people and societies in general; it is now possible to transact business across the globe thus giving rise to what is now referred to as a global economy. The rapid changes in transportation have also been another factor that has led to increased globalization in the modern times (Pettinger); new and efficient means of transportation such as the airplanes, steamer ships, and electric trains among others have increased global connection and interrelatedness. It is now easier for people, goods, and ideas to move across national borders than it was before due to the increased ease in global transportation; in this regard, the whole world has been reduced into a global village due to the interconnectivity. Because of the increased ease of transportation, multinational corporations can now manufacture their goods and products in other countries and sell them across national borders. The increased connectivity and interrelatedness of global economies due to globalization has resulted to a number of effects, both positive and negative; for instance, multinational interactions have led to increased business opportunities and a global common market that is self-sustaining (â€Å"Effects of Globalization†). Multinational corporations can transact businesses

Friday, August 23, 2019

Summary of ten paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Summary of ten paper - Essay Example ** an interesting paper that addressed some security issues of cloud computing and introduced new approach of building trustable computing technology. This paper supports the argument that my essay is based upon. Chi, C.H., Grossmann, G., Duipmans, Evert F., Ferreira Pires, Luis, & Bonino da Silva Santos, Luiz O. (2012). Towards a BPM cloud architecture with data and activity distribution. In Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW), 2012 IEEE 16th International. This paper provides a platform for business management and addressed the need for agility in business process. It helps business analysts to effectively design, deploy and execute business process in cloud environment. It also provides guidance and recommendation to business analysts who do not have programming expertise. The proposed platform automates manual steps by producing executable code and taking care of the problems of distributed deployment across cloud environment. The paper is authored by Peter Mell and Timothy Grance of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It gives a wide definition of cloud computing, and provides details regarding characteristics and essential aspects of cloud computing and compares different cloud computing service model. *** very useful paper as it provides a reliable definition of cloud computing and provides insight regarding characteristics of cloud computing . It is a very popular paper which has been quite heavily cited with relevant and credible information. This paper discusses the possibility of combining Business Process Management (BPM) with cloud computing. Both cloud computing and business process management are described in detail. The author also gives an overview of literature that discusses their combination and investigates already existing tools regarding the subject. ** an

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Corruption in the Correctional System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Corruption in the Correctional System - Essay Example epresenting the authority (management body) want to earn more money since most of the time they are poorly paid by the government by accepting gifts from the inmates so that they can practice drug trafficking inside the jail. This kind of deviance practice is referred to as malfeasance. On the other hand, the inmates practice deviance by any means possible such as misfeasance that may include offering themselves for sex with officers in order to seek gratuities for preferential treatment and special privileges. Correctional systems were early formed to serve as facilities for galley slavery, transportation, jails and prisons for community correction. Moreover, prisons and community corrections were formed to prevent the use of violence or coercive responses to slaves. For example, prisons were created in 1700s in the United States as a form of physical punishment to the wrongdoers. In terms of hierarchy, the underlying goal of a hierarchy on the correction facility is to ensure physical control. Correctional facility favors custody and security and differentiates between security levels. First, there is prison administrator who is at the head of hierarchy. The administrator ensures control is by reaching an agreement with the inmates and utilizes the inmate power structure by overlooking rule infractions in exchange for support to the status quo. On the other hand, correction facilities are categorized as minimum, medium or maximum society categories. Maximum-security correction acts as punishment centers for practicing the maximum order and do n act as rehabilitation and treatment center. The main purpose that maximum correction facilities observe as a daily routine is to keep inmate occupied with intensive inspection. Moreover, segregating inmates for the security purpose makes other inmates unable to access treatment programs. Medium security correctional facility has external security on the inmates as tight as in supermax or maximum correctional facility.

Research Proposal Social Work Essay Example for Free

Research Proposal Social Work Essay Document 1 of 1 Southern China talk fest a hot air blow-out Author: van der Kamp, Jake ProQuest document link Abstract (Abstract): Yes, they had plans, 30,000km of new superhighways fanning out from Guangzhou and 10,000km of new railway lines with trains speeding at 200km per hour to {hellip} well {hellip} ahem {hellip} but let us have no talk here of the mbarrassment Shanghai has suffered with Just a short hi-tech line to its airport. Not to worry. AsiaWorld-Expo is not being built to showcase Hong Kong products or designs. It will tout mainland wares in competition with several even bigger centres in the mainland. There is one Just across the border, big and empty and hungry for business. Clearly there was a call on AsiaWorld-Expo here to Justify its existence and it has heeded the call. In the first year of operation the centre will contribute a $2. 8 billion economic return, says the advertorial, again and again, in headlines, captions and testimonials. I think I have warned you before that economic return is pure magic. Take a number, any number, wave your wand, and you can have any other number you want, in this case 3. 67. Research, yes, diligent economic analysis, has proved to AsiaWorld- Expo that every dollar spent at its facility will, poof, create another $3. 67 spent elsewhere in Hong Kong. Links Linking Service Full text: ON PAGE 3 of this newspaper yesterday we discussed the hopes of 1 1 aspirants to a crowning achievement of commercial success and career satisfaction. No, I am not referring to the photograph at the top of the page of 11 Miss Hong Kong ontestants pictured in swimsuits at a waterfall in Kenya, although it was definitely more absorbing and probably more meaningful. I had in mind (when that mind could be distracted from the photo) a wodge of print underneath about a hot air blow-out from nine mainland provinces plus Hong Kong and Macau in what is termed the Pan- Pearl River Delta forum. It was the third day running in which we provided this evidence of why some trees should be left to grow in the forest rather than be turned into newsprint. Did you know that Guangdong party boss Zhang DeJiang would like to see his rovince turned into a key world manufacturing base, Hong Kong into an international business services centre and Macau into a gambling tourism hub? I understand that Mr Zhang also wants Marco Polo to visit China and hopes that Christopher Columbus will soon discover America. You probably saw some of the television coverage with one blue- suited lookalike after another taking turns at the podium to tell us to great applause that the sea is wet and the desert is dry or messages of equal revelation. Interspersed was so much self-praise that you would think this was Delia School of Canada. But yes, they had plans, 30,000km of new superhighways fanning out from Guangzhou and 10,000km of new railway lines with trains speeding at 200km per hour to {hellip} well {hellip} ahem {hellip} but let us have no talk here of the embarrassment Shanghai has suffered with Just a short hi-tech line to its airport. Stop me, however. Did not the word come down from Beijing recently that a halt must be called to big infrastructure projects in order to prevent the economy from overheating? I fully recognise that the further south you go in the mainland the less weight that Beijings edicts carry and I now that these big plans are still meant only to occupy time at talking shops. But surely a nod to central authority was required here. If we were to be so cavalier in Hong Kong about central government directives, they might call it subversion. Here is an idea for you, fellows. If you really want southern China to prosper, then implement all the promises Page 1 of 3 you made when entering the World Trade Organisation and do it as soon and as fully as possible. Stay off the podiums, spend no money but open your provincial economies and success will come your way. It is all you need to do and if you do not o it, then the story will continue to be what it has been so far Hong Kong and the Ten Dwarves. And as to that photo, fourth from the left for the crown and second from the right for Miss Photogenic. There you nave my picks and let us be gratetul that those 1 1 not in the picture stayed fully clothed. HOT AIR MERCHANTS are not only to be found across the border. On Tuesday we carried a full-page advertorial for AsiaWorld- Expo, the new airport exhibition centre that is scheduled to open in December next year. You know the story. This was something first mooted for construction by the private ector at a cost of less than $1 billion. The fgure has now risen to $2 billion and it is to be picked up by the public purse. No, pardon me, the private sector can put in another $2 billion if it wants. Uh-huh. The people who run the big exhibition centre on the Wan Chai waterfront are none too happy with all this. They worry that there is not enough business to go round and that we are cannibalising earlier investments in the exhibition trade. Not to worry. AsiaWorld-Expo is not being built to showcase Hong Kong products or spent elsewhere in Hong Kong. It may be true. Here I come to spoil the magic, owever. If we instead spent that dollar on something else, it would create this same multiplier effect and, if we spent it to better use, that multiplier would be higher than 3. 67. The advice that your mother gave you has not been improved by voodoonomics. Spend your money as wisely as you can if you want the greatest benefit to yourself. The appeal to voodoonomics should only confirm to you that the money is not well spent. Publication title: South China Morning Post Pages: 18 Number of pages: O Publication year: 2004 Publication date: Jun 4, 2004 year: 2004 Publisher: South China Morning Post Ltd.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Medical Uses Of Infrared Photography Cultural Studies Essay

Medical Uses Of Infrared Photography Cultural Studies Essay Tattoos have been an invaluable method for the identification of non skeletonised remains. The design and/or location of the tattoo can be substantially exclusive to provide adequate identification, and especially when combined with other distinguishing features they can definitively identify and individual. During an autopsy the pathologist will take note of tattoos just as they would any other distinguishing marks, such as birth marks, defects or scars. In cases such as mass disasters, it can sometimes be one of only few methods available for the initial examination of the remains. In 2001, Kingsholm et al studied several unidentified bodies and remains found in Danish waters, some of which had tattoos. Discovery and detailing of any tattoos can also aid in tracing unidentified bodies back to their cultural backgrounds, thus in some cases tattoos have important historical aspects. Tattoos can also indicate a history of incarceration (Mallon et al 1999) and in such cases the individual sporting this unique design may not wish to be easily identified. Repeat offenders for example, may choose to remove or alter their defining features and members of gangs or organised crime groups may wish to no longer be associated with that particular faction. Some tattoos may serve to connect one individual with another, such as love tattoos, which can also aid in identification of the individual sporting the design. Different light sources and filter techniques have been used routinely in criminal investigations; the following uses of infrared (IR) photography presented in this introduction are all relevant to this study as they go some length towards explaining the nature of infrared and therefore what might be expected, allowing for deduction of a hypothesis which is presented later in this report. Infrared describes the part of the spectrum just beyond the visible red wavelengths (700 1200 nm) There are many used of infrared photography spanning many different fields. For art photography purposes, Infrared can be used to photograph objects in the distance, or in foggy conditions due to the infrareds ability to penetrate the haze (Milsom 2001). For portrait photography, infrared is sometimes favoured to give the appearance of a clear complexion Infrareds (IR) ability to penetrate the superficial layers of the epidermis of skin is exploited in medical photography as a method of photographing venous patterns underneath the skin and of documenting healing under lesions in the skin. They found that imaging in the near-infrared range provided relatively good contrast of subcutaneous veins. This works due to the fact that haemoglobin is a chromophore that absorbs near infrared, and the skin absorbs very little IR relative to the absorption of infrared demonstrated by the veins (Haxthausen, 1933), or transmits or reflects most of the near infrared spectrum, therefore it appears lighter by contrast to the darkened veins. Zharov et al (2004) identified the potential of this technique as a diagnostic method for varicose veins at a depth of 1-3mm into the skin. The use of infrared photography for the detection of varicose veins or any other subcutaneous abnormalities is demonstrated by Marshall (1981). This research uses infrared reflectance (as well as ultraviolet) to measure the densities across pigmented lesions of the skin and found it to be a useful method. The study by Haxthausen (1933) found that for documenting superficial afflictions, such as psoriasis, ordinary photography was far superior to infrared photography, as under the infrared conditions, the imperfections were removed. Afflictions that occurred in the deeper layers of the skin were captured best using infrared photography. In cases of burn injury is can be difficult to assess the damage or the thermal burn depth. Anselmo et al (1976) found that infrared photography could be used as a valuable and non invasive method of assess burn depth. Their experiment used Wratten 89A infrared filter Infrared photography allowed for the differentiation between viable and necrotic dermis. Infrared photography of bloodstains and Gunshot residue Forensic applications of infrared photography include detecting gunshot residue on clothing (Bailey et al 2007) and less commonly, for detecting bloodstains on dark clothing or at crime scenes. A report by Raymond and Hall in 1986 illustrated a dark coloured sofa, showcased in the report as a black and white photograph for the visual spectrum comparison. In this photograph there is no obvious bloodstain, it cannot be distinguished from the rest of the sofa due to the dark colour of the sofa. The infrared photograph was taken using the Wratten #88a filter. In this photograph the sofa had lightened and now by comparison, the area of bloodstained sofa (now darkened by contrast) could easily be distinguished. When using infrared photography to detect and document traces of blood on dark clothing, the infrared will make the blood appear darker and the surrounding clothing appear lighter by contrast. This is all due to the absorbing capabilities of the clothing and of the blood. Blood absorbs throughout the visible spectrum and the near infrared spectrum (typically absorbing most wavelengths of near infrared 700-900nm) and so its appearance in infrared records will be darkened, in contrast the clothing might only absorb through the visible light range of the spectrum, and so in the infrared records will appear lighter, or transparent. Dark clothing can hinder the successful visualisation of blood spatter patterns in much the same way that darkened mummified skin can hinder the detection of tattoos, or that charring on a fire damaged document can affect the successful visualisation of the writing. A study by Perkins (2005) used digital infrared photography, Wratten #89B filter to photograph blood spatter on several different materials. The dark clothing appeared to reflect the infrared, thus enhancing the contrast between the clothing and the blood patterns. Bailey et al (2007) used digital infrared photography to better visualise gunshot residue on dark clothing. It is very similar in both methodology and results to the use of this technique in bloodstain analysis. The camera ISO was set at 200 and the filter used was the Wratten #87. The GSR, undetected under visible light conditions, appeared dark against a lightened cloth under IR. The use of infrared in analysis of obliterated writings and questioned documents Infrared photography also has many applications in the field of forensic science. It is a common method for detecting obliterated writing (Creer 1976) for detecting forged, or altered documents, such as cheques and to aid in the examination of writing obscured by charring on fire damaged documents (Bartha. 1973) McCaul et al (2007) discuss the problems facing forensic scientists when traditional photography techniques fall short at documenting certain evidence. In the examination of documents, IR can be used to detect forgeries or alterations, relying on the fact that the visually similar inks may reflect or absorb infrared at varying levels and wavelengths. Parallels can be drawn between the uses of infrared for examining obliterated writing and this study into examining original tattoos from underneath cover tattoos. The use of correction fluid or other inks to cover writing serves to render the underlying text illegible, in the same way that the cover tattoo serves to distort, hide or completely cover the original underlying tattoo. If infrared photography can allow for the underlying writing to be visualised, than it is entirely possible that underlying original tattoo could be recovered. The successful recovery of obliterated writings is dependent on the different inks used and their infrared absorbing capabilities. Some ink, when irradiated with infrared, will absorb it. This is due to the presence of different Chromophores in the different inks (Ellen, 2006) A chromophore is the chemical group of a molecule that is responsible for the molecules colour, and they absorb, reflect and transmit different wavelengths. Other examples include chlorophyll, melanin and amethyst. Infrared photography can also be used to examine/restore writing on charred documents (Bartha 1973). The success of the visualisation is dependent on the degree of charring. The charred paper is darkened due to partly converted resinous material before being completely degraded to elementary carbon. The carbon in the pen ink absorbs the infrared and so appears dark under IR, by contrast the charred paper looks lighter. The Video Spectral Comparator (VSC) is often used in the examination of obliterated writing (G M Mokrzycki 1999). The VSC uses Infrared radiant energy and filters to see through inks and other obliterations, and reveal obscured objects. The use of infrared photography is not an uncommon method for visualising and recording obliterated writing, S. Sugawara (2004) discusses the use of both near and middle infrared in deciphering obliterated writings by looking at writing made by 101 different pens. Erasures describe inks that have been made invisible by removal of the colour components of the inks. Sometimes when these components are removed, remnants are left behind. Sometimes whatever remains on, or just below, the surface can be detected using infrared. This is the same principle encountered in a paper by McKechnie et al (2008) in which infrared was used to detect remnants of ink left behind in the skin post-laser removal treatment. The findings of this research will be analysed in greater detail later on in this research paper. Other uses of infrared photography The uses of Infrared photography do not begin and end at medical and forensic uses however, for example, Bridgeman and Gibson (1963) used infrared to examine paintings. A paper by J R J Van Aperen De Boer (1969) successfully applies Infrared Reflectography to view the under-drawings of carbon pencil, with varying degrees of success of medieval paintings. Pencil lead (which is primarily graphite) absorbs throughout the infrared range of the spectrum, and the visible range. Because of this, under both near and far infrared conditions the graphite will remain as readily viewable as to the naked eye. Thus far this project has looked at both medical and forensic uses of infrared photography, many of which have in common the idea that infrared can be used to recover, or detect traces of one material (for example; ink) from underneath another material (such as correction fluid). These underlying or otherwise camouflaged materials are not readily viewable with the naked eye, or easily recorded using ordinary photographic methods. This is the same principle as is to be employed in this research. The detection of latent residue tattoo ink pigments The use of infrared photography to record tattoos is by no means a recent phenomenon. As long ago as 1938 JÃ ¶rg used infrared photography to detect tattoos that were otherwise undetectable with the naked eye. Although infrared photography has been utilized to study tattoos, there is not a great deal of literature available on the topic. Below some specific examples are given. The following are 2 examples found provide useful validation of infrared penetrating capabilities coupled with its specific use for detecting tattoo designs that have been affected by environmental conditions, or purposefully made difficult to visualise: Mckechnie et al use infrared photography to attempt to visualise latent tattoo ink residue from laser removed tattoos. This research article only used 2 participants, and with a success rate of 50% and so a follow up experiment would be required using a larger sample size to validate the findings. Both participants had their tattoos removed by laser treatment to the extent that they were no longer visible to the naked human eye. One of the participants tattoos was professionally done; the other was an amateur tattoo. Although the authors explain the difference between amateur and professional tattoos as a possible factor (that is that professional tattoos use more ink and are injected deeper into the dermis than amateur tattoos) and cross reference it with infrareds ability to penetrate the skin, they do not expand on the colour or pigment as being factors resulting in the success or failure of the trial. Visualising tattoos on mummified remains using infrared photography One of the original journal articles of interest that could be said to have initiated the thought behind this project idea, or at the very least inspire a belief of the success of the project, uses infrared Reflectography to examine tattoos on mummified remains, the mummified tissue normally being darkened to the extent that visualisation under normal photography conditions is near impossible (Alvrus et al 2001) It showcases the usefulness of infrared for lightening certain aspects of a subject in order to see others. In this case, the darkened mummified tissue made it difficult to visualise the tattoo under normal photographic conditions (visible light). Under Infrared conditions however, the contrast between the tattoo and the surrounding skin was enhanced; the darkened mummified skin appeared lighter, and by contrast the tattoo (which appeared darker) was readily visible. This is due to the differing absorption/reflection of infrared. The substances in the tattoo absorb the majori ty of the infrared; the surrounding skin reflects the infrared. A similar technique is used in the identification of tattooing on a 1600 year old mummified body found in Alaska (Smith and Zimmerman 1975) Tattooing was identified on the hands and forearms of the Eskimo female remains using infrared photography. The darkened skin obscured the tattoos to the extent that they could not be viewed under visible light spectral range photography. Skin thickness as a factor One of the other variables accounted for in this project is the area on the body of that tattoo, the thought behind this being that the thickness of the skin might come into play. According to E J Wood (1985) the thickness of the epidermis ranges from 0.06 0.1mm (from eyelids, to back and callused areas, respectively). The dermis ranges from 2 4mm thick, and accounts for the bulk of the skin. Although any differences in skin depth tend to be minute, they may still account for variable success rates due to the migrating nature of tattoo ink through the dermis and the penetrating capabilities of infrared. A skilled tattooist will not allow the needle to penetrate the skin no deeper than 2mm, the reasons for which are discussed below in The tattoo process. The ink must be deposited deeper than the epidermis, or else the ink will fade as the outer layers of the skin shed, therefore the thickness of the epidermis will affect how deep the ink must be deposited. It is also assumed that th e thickness of the dermis will correlate with the thickness of the epidermis. This is why this research paper has chosen to look at the area on the body of the tattoo as a possible factor. The tattoo process The process of tattooing involves injecting pigment, suspended in a carrier, through the epidermis and into the dermis of the skin, no more than 2mm or else the tattooist risk the ink bleeding, creating a smudged effect, regardless of the tattoo technique employed (the settings of the modern tattoo machine do not allow for the needle to penetrate any deeper than 2mm). There is no exact science as to the pressure exerted on the needle by the individual tattooist, as it is a matter of personal judgement (direct quotation from Mark tattooist from Dannys tattoo Studio in Sneinton, Nottingham) depending on the area of the body on which the tattoo is being performed. Tattooing on an individuals back or upper arm will require greater pressure because the skin is much thicker, the setting of the tattoo machine will also have to be altered for deeper penetration through the epidermis and into the dermis. Once injected into the upper layer of the dermis, the pigment is suspended in the fibroblasts (Sperry 1991). When looking at a tattoo, the tattoo is being viewed through the epidermis. Over time the deposited tattoo ink will disperse deeper into the dermis, and so it is possible that time, both between original and cover, and time since cover, could be a feature in the investigation. Tattoo Ink pigments More often than not, the tattooist will use a tattoo ink containing pigments which will be manufactured outside of the tattooists own premises, the exact content and purity of which is in most cases, unknown. There are certain guidelines in place for manufacturers of tattoo inks to abide by when producing the inks, however manufacturers of tattoo ink are not forced by law to disclose the ingredients used in the inks. A study by Timko et al (2001) found that, of 30 inks studied, the most commonly identified elements were aluminium, oxygen, titanium and carbon at 87, 73, and 67 percent respectively. Professional tattoo artists have access to over 100 different colours (Kirby et al 2005), many of these are mixtures of colours, for example red and white to make pink, thus making it difficult to classify pigment-wise. The research by Kirby et al (2005) found significant variability in pigment cluster sizes in professional tattoos, compared to amateur tattoos. They also found colour pigment granules to be larger than black pigment granules. This was initially an area of interest, but not one that this research paper will focus on due to the difficulty encountered in obtaining the relevant information. This study uses infrared photography in an attempt to visualise an original tattoo from underneath a cover tattoo, the success of which could be due to a number of different factors. A summary of these factors are as follows: To look at the colours used in both the original tattoo and the cover tattoo and how this affects the successful visualization of the original tattoo using infrared. To look for any correlation linking time since cover tattoo (up to date of photograph) and success of the experiment. This essentially will be looking at the effects of the migration of tattoo ink. To look at any trends involving time elapsed between original tattoo and cover tattoo, and the success of the infrared photographs obtained. As above, this will be examining the effects of ink particle migration. To look at the area on the body of the tattoo and discover if there is a relationship between this and the success of a particular photograph. Essentially, this is investigation skin density as a factor. Taking into account all the research discussed previously and the results obtained by the various studies in the field of infrared photography a few hypotheses have been deduced: The first is that the penetrative nature of infrared suggests it is possible to recover the underlying pigment of the original tattoo from beneath the cover tattoo. The reasons behind this are thought at this stage to be due to the colours present, or perhaps even the concentration of black used in the colour mixtures. The way in which an object appears when photographed using infrared is a direct consequence of their absorbing capabilities. For the purposes of this particular study inspiration was drawn for the research into questioned documents, or more specifically the detection of different inks using infrared. Most inks have different absorbing capabilities, some will only absorb through the visible light spectrum, and some throughout the visible light and into the infrared range. The reason behind this, as mentioned earlier, is due to the chromophores in the dye molecules. In the same way that infrared might be used to detect the underwritings of obliterated text, IR could be used to detect the underlying tattoo pigment, depending on the chromophores, or colours used. The second hypothesis is that any variation in the depth/thickness of the skin will be such a minute difference that it is unlikely to affect the overall success of the project. The factors of time (time between original and cover, and time since cover) are likely to have minimal effect, if any, on the successful visual recovery of the underlying tattoo. It is thought that any trends are more likely to be observed in the extreme time periods, for example, between tattoos that are under a year old and tattoos that are over 30 years old. This is because the most recently done tattoos will not have been affected by migration, whereas very aged tattoos will have undergone decades of migration of the ink particles. Method and materials A sample number of 33 (n33) individuals were used in this research, all of whom volunteered their time and consented for the presentation of their tattoos anonymously in this research paper. All that was required of potential participants was that they had a cover tattoo, there was no other criteria selected for, for example age or gender. The participants were then required to fill out a consent form, as no photographs could be taken without. The participants were asked to fill out a short questionnaire to aid in investigation of the various factors discussed in the introduction, an example of which can be found in the appendix. This project utilizes the near infrared part of the spectrum (the far infrared part of the spectrum is commonly used for thermal imaging). The infrared filters allow infrared light to pass through the camera and blocks most of the visible light spectrum. The Fujifilm IS pro digital SLR camera is sensitive to both ultraviolet and infrared light between 380nm and 1000nm. Optimum settings for the camera were assessed during several pre-experiments. Manual setting, ISO 200 and aperture f/6.3, which provided adequate depth of field for the infrared photographs Filters 87 and 88a were used, which are described as deep infrared filters; allow no visible light to pass through. The Wratten 87 filter has a sharp cut-off at ~800nm, and so transmits freely throughout the infrared region. The 88A has a slightly narrower window with an effective cut-off at ~750nm. The control photographs were taken using a UV/IR barrier filter. All photographs are taken at a 90Â ° angle from the subject (as close to as possible without actually measuring the exact angle) this was to eliminate any false positives due to raised tattoos (which can happen in hot conditions). A colour scale, a grey scale and a sizing scale are held in place around the tattoo. The first photo taken is the control photograph, using the IR-UV cut lens. This allows visible light to be captured and so essentially, is just a normal (visible light) flash photography picture. The second photograph removes the UV-IR cut lens, replacing it with an IR filter. The first used is the Wratten 87, as many photographs as necessary are then taken using this filter. The third set of photographs is taken with the 88a IR filter. The Metz 45CL4 electronic flash gun was the light meter of choice, the setting of which differs between photos depending on the light source available at the location. A number of photographs were taken of each tattoo; one control photograph, and 2 photographs using each filter. The first infrared photograph was to capture the entire tattoo, including the scales. A second photograph was taken if deemed necessary, which was a close up shot, focussing on any areas of interest highlighted in the first infrared photograph in order to capture better detail. Once all of the photograph records were obtained they were categorized into successful and unsuccessful. Of the successful results, due to the varying degrees of success encountered from record to record, it was felt necessary to categorize further still with the introduction of a grading system. The grading system is as follows: 0 None of the original tattoo could be visualised 1 Partial original tattoo visualisation 2 Most of original tattoo can be seen 3 All of the original tattoo can be seen from underneath the cover tattoo. Please note that some of the images presented in this report have only undergone basic alterations post production. The changes made to the infrared images were limited to minor brightness and contrast changes to accentuate any detail in the pictures that may have been lost when the images were resized and in order to retain detail in the printed hard copy. These changes are as follows: Brightness was altered to a maximum of around -10% for the infrared images on Microsoft Office Word 2007. Contrast was altered to a maximum of +30% on Microsoft Office Word 2007. These values are approximate, and dependant on the detail captured in the original, unaltered photographs. The images were not altered in any other way The underlying tattoo can be somewhat visualised under visible light photography conditions however visualisation of the original tattoo is accentuated using the Infrared as it removes the camouflage or interference provided by purple shading of the cover tattoo. This is a grade 2 example. This was graded as 2 because a substantial amount of the original tattoo can be recovered. In this case, the tattoo, under visible light conditions, is not an obvious cover tattoo as no detail of the underlying tattoo can be detected due to the use of shading and the faded nature of the original tattoo. With the shading of the cover tattoo removed using the IR filters the detail in the original tattoo can be visualised. The black shading of the cover tattoo on the eagles head and wings is not visually removed by the infrared, and so part of the cover tattoo is still camouflaged. Note The dark green and blue of the original tattoo appear darker in the infrared than the other colours of the cover tattoo. The purple in the background has completely disappeared in the infrared photograph. This is a particularly interesting record as it demonstrates the absorbing capabilities of black ink. Although some of the original design can been seen in the control photograph it is somewhat polluted by the dark colours of the cover tattoo. The blue and particularly by the purple of the cover design are visually removed in the infrared photograph, highlighting the contrast and allowing for better determination of the actual design. It would be expected that if there were a trend amongst these results that as the time since the cover tattoo increases, so would either the success or failure rate. At the same time, the remaining (factor either success or failure) would decrease as the other increases to show that there is a clear correlation. This does not occur, and so suggests that there is no link between time since the cover tattoo, and the overall success rate. Also there does not appear to be any detectable trend in the observed graph patterns between fig. 9 and fig.10 A summary table of records, including information on colours used, the grade allocated to each record, and a brief description of what can be seen with each record, is available in the appendices (Appendix 4) the findings of which are discussed in the discussion section of this research paper It should be noted that this graph only presents the number of cover tattoos with black ink in the design and does not take into account whether or not the black ink is directly responsible for the obscuring of the original tattoo design. It does, however, present a slight trend, which is to be expected. In cases where the cover tattoo is colourful, the Wratten 87 filter appeared to be the filter of choice as it removed all colour of the cover design to reveal the underlying original tattoo. In cases where the cover tattoo consisted of cut black or grey shading, the Wratten 88a appeared to be the ideal filter to better accentuate the original design from the cover tattoo design traffic. Of the unsuccessful examples: The following results are characterised according to the observed reason why the original tattoo could not be visualised. Please note that in 100% of the unsuccessful records the cover tattoo design contained black ink, however in some cases it is not deemed to be the reason for unsuccessful visualisation (In some cases for example, the black of the cover does not cover the original design) Discussion This research has proved definitively that infrared photography can be employed to detect an original tattoo design from underneath a cover tattoo. Of the several factors investigated in this paper that were thought to affect the success of the recovery of the original tattoo using the IR filters, the only factor with any real merit were the colours used in the original and cover tattoos. The time since the cover tattoo was investigated due to the behaviour of the ink once deposited in the skin. As explained in the tattoo process section, once the ink is deposited, over time some of the particles will disperse throughout the dermis. It was thought that the effect of this, if any, would be to hinder any successful recovery of the underlying tattoo. No obvious correlation was discovered between the time since the cover tattoo and the successful recovery of the original tattoo from underneath the cover tattoo. Time between original tattoo and cover tattoo also yielded no apparent association to the success rate. The graphs and a brief description of the findings can be seen in the results section of this paper (fig. 18 and Fig. 19) When looking at the area on the body as a factor (essentially that is looking at the depth or thickness of the skin) it seemed necessary to take two examples from areas of differing skin thickness and compare the success rates from each. The skin thickness of the wrist will be significantly less than the thickness of the skin on the back, which along with the soles of the hands and feet, is one of the areas on the body of the largest skin density. Of the results for the wrist tattoo, 50% were successful. This was the same as with the results from the examples photographed on the back (Fig.17) suggests that the area on the body of the tattoo had little or no bearing on the results. As predicted it is the colours used in both the original underlying tattoo, and the cover tattoo, that has the most bearing on the successful visualisation of the original tattoo. Visualisation of the underlying tattoo was most striking and effective with the examples with purple, red, light blue and white cover tattoos this is likely to be due to the different chromophores (the functional group of the pigment molecule that gives it its colour) in the different colours used, as they will absorb or reflect the infrared wavelengths at varying levels. Red and purple cover designs yielded the best results because these colours were completely visually removed by the infrared filters, leaving only the underlying original tattoo visible. Referring to Fig.1 and 2 of record 26, the purple of the cover design is completely visually removed under the infrared photographic conditions, allowing the black outline of the original underlying tattoo to be completely visualised. Records 22, 26 and 26b are perhaps the best examples, each receiving grade 3 in the grading system for complete visualisation of the original tattoos. The original designs can be easily distinguished as there is no interference from any fragm

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Innovation marketing proposal for jcu food court

Innovation marketing proposal for jcu food court To establish a food court on Townsville campus, James Cook University is in quest of collaboration with takeaway restaurant chains. The restaurants that will be engrossed with the well known university will have a large potential market which would function in areas like brand recognition, brand loyalty and maintaining consumer relations. These areas serve as key to the marketing strategy which in turn drives the restaurants to maintain stability of revenue resulting in making profit for the food court. Due to a saturated market, competition is stern. However, competition can arise in the immediate area. Therefore, there will be a quick growth in the market. It is well determined from SWOT analysis that weaknesses and threats of the food court are overcome by its internal strengths and the external opportunities and hence the impending business prospect for the restaurants. In addition, there have been positive estimations that will be achieved with a profit increment of 10% in three years in terms of financial controls, such as advertising budgets, contracts, expense and rental income etc. Therefore, the JCU Food Court seeks to grow as a potential market and is a sound investment. Introduction James Cook University has approximately 11,000 students including 1,300 international students studying at the Townsville campus (JCU Townsville, 2009). The 386-hectare Townsville campus consists of 364 buildings that includes housing units, student mall, library, fitness centres and excludes refectory and cafes that opens in week days for limited time (JCU Townsville, 2009). Adjacent to the University is Townsville General Hospital which is situated on the outskirts of town, approximately 11 kilometres from the city centre. Despite of being a favourable environment for education, its remoteness to food outlets and entertainment creates a logistical challenge for students. The food facilities provided to the students is limited and restricted to Western styles that ultimately offer fewer options for the vegetarians. Situation Analysis The proposal of JCU food court is new to the market and lies in the introductory phase. Although there is a large competitive market of takeaway restaurants but there will no close competition in the vicinity area. However the few exceptions being the Refectory and Rococos bar Restaurant. There will be a significant growth in the development of food court and gain in substantial business. Hence, the food court will enter the market with rapid growth and will emerge as a profitable business. Market Summary As described earlier, there are no close competitors in the immediate area of the food court so the market to be targeted would be the vast market of fast-food and takeaway restaurants. Target Market Fast-food / Takeaway restaurant chains Market Demographics A typical customer profile consists of geographic, demographic, and behaviour factors. Geographics The geographic target area inculcates local (e.g. Eagle boys, real pizzas), national (e.g. Noodle box) and global (McDonalds, KFC etc.) restaurant chains. Demographics The food court is not limited to any type of consumer/customer and is likely to favour all the students studying at Townville campus. Another factor is the cost of meals under $12. Behavioural Factors The food court would serve the university, hospital and surrounding residential areas. The market can be expanded to the restaurant chains who see a potential market within JCU. Market Needs The market needs would be fulfilled by university students, staff, hospital visitors and people residing in residential areas. The JCU food court will offer a convenient and economical consumption. The restaurants that tend to be interested will have a large potential market within the grounds of the university. The food court will come up with the following market attributes Convenience JCU food court will serve as a convenient option for consumers making easy for them to get to the restaurants and will be an economical place. Maintenance The food court will be well maintained taking care of the surroundings areas too. Customer Retention As there is little competition in the immediate area, customers are likely to retain and welcome to a place that provides quality food and service at reasonable prices. Brand credit While off campus, customers will recognize the brand they know from JCU Food Court, which promotes the business. Market Trends JCU is situated in a heavy passage environment/area with students studying both onshore and offshore, hospital visitors, the army base, and residential areas. The leasing space to five different takeaway restaurants will appeal to the needs of a market that has not been presently met. JCU being a well-known university, the restaurants will tend to let on JCU possessions. With advent of food court, people would seek a fair quality and convenient meals at reasonable prices. Market Growth Due to market saturation, there is a strong competition in the restaurant/takeaway business. Statistics reveals that by June 2007, there were 15,423 restaurant businesses in Australia, and takeaway rates growing 18.3% respectively, making approximately $646.1m (Statistics, 2008). There will be less competition in vicinity of the food court at which puts the business on to an advantage of being profitable and will mark a rapid growth strength in market. SWOT Analysis To evaluate and assess the potency and limitations, opportunities and challenges for foot court on JCU, a SWOT analysis was performed. The analysis revealed some key factors of the internal and external marketing of JCU Food Court. Figure 1 describes the detailed SWOT analysis (Appendix 1). Potencies The University has an advantage of own land so there is no land purchase requirement. The food court will focus on offering varieties of food at cheaper deals. There will be no external competitiveness among the restaurants of the food court. Being a well established university, the restaurants will likely to be interested to be its part. Trading hours will diversify from the on-campus cafes and restaurants. Limitations The university has to provide resources for maintenance and other related services. Limited space to accommodate. Less space than regular restaurant. Prospects The Townsville campus is likely to have a potential expansion. More students enrolling drives the profitability of food court. Availability of parking and loading area. Growth and development in other JCU campuses. Less expenses on construction and labour. Challenges Labour hire for construction and maintenance. Economic downturn ongoing at present. Future growth and development of nearby shopping centres. Competition There will be less or no competition in the immediate surroundings of the food court. The food court will be situated on Townsville campus. There will be no opposition for the food court because at present there is only Rococos Bar Restaurant and refectory offered to the students in student mall. Due to limited opening hours, they are not open on weekends. There is a limited range of restaurants in the hospital and the nearest food courts are in Willows and Stockland. Thus, the students and staff would be more directed to the JCU food court. It will be more convenient for people to walk to the food court to purchase quality meals at cheaper prices which will be economical for them. Therefore, competition will not be a major concern for businesses interested in leasing space with JCU Food Court. Product Offering JCU will offer quality food at reasonable prices. The food court will serve as a convenient option for people to get their meals from there. Also, it will open for business to restaurants to lease for space in the food court. The space will accommodate a counter and kitchen. In addition, the university will provide maintenance and other janitorial services. Keys to success The keys to success would be offering quality food, reasonable deals, and convenience to customers, delivering products that are user friendly and offer customer satisfaction at affordable prices. Critical Issues Since JCU food court will be new to market the critical issues will be Potential expansion to other campuses of university. Business on a contract basis, lease with the restaurants. Growth and expansion of business through lease sales of counter space. Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy mainly focuses on the services provided meet changing customer needs, while still maintaining the product quality and commitment to excellence. The key marketing strategy will focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty and at the same time maintaining brand quality. Moreover, the food court will focus on the overall market segments and the associated customers. It will also concentrate on gaining a partnership with the restaurants in order to expand the business in the market while maintaining the product stability. Vision mission To provide a means of personal satisfaction by improving its service delivery. To promote and spread the benefits it provides to people. To provide premium customer service by guaranteeing the customers a clean, comfortable and well maintained counter space at reasonable leasing prices. To expand the success of food court to other JCU campuses. Marketing Objectives JCU food court is concerned about maintaining the food quality and increasing the services so as to create a brand name, which could encourage and sustain optimistic and steady growth. The food court will be expanding its limit each year and extend the counter spaces depending on demands and needs of the customers. Once established, JCU will introduce loyalty/value cards to offer discounts thereby increasing profit from additional revenue. Therefore, the objective is to establish competitive superiority in target market, guarantee stable profit to customer and pursue up growth profit. Financial Objectives Seek to boost the profit margin by efficient use of strategies and commitment to deliver good services. To increase the profitability to 10% in three years. To repay back the loan at the earliest in order to evade the interest that downgrades the income. To maintain the contacts associated with restaurants on lease. Reduce liability by using less of the loan and using more funds. Target Markets The market of restaurant chains and takeaways business is quite outsized with diversity in foods and services they offer. The food court will focus on takeaway business offering food with different varieties and quality. The major target market would be the restaurants in the market that offers quality services and varieties of food at reasonable prices. The bureau of statistics Australia stated that during 2006-07, cafes, restaurants and catering businesses generated a total income of $13,673.2m, signifying an average of $886,500 per business. The total expenses incurred during the same period were $13,108.3m and the total industry value added by these businesses was $5,695m, which represented 0.5% of Australias gross domestic product for 2006-07. During the same year, the operating profit before tax for these businesses was $576.4m and their operating profit margin was 4.2%. Positioning As JCU is a well-known and established university, the concept of introducing food court will represent as an innovative and demanding move for the convenience of people who are part of the university. Being a reputed education hub, JCU will perceive great customer retention and will incur a successful business in the market. Overall strategy The main objective of JCU food Court is to create awareness among customers to recognize food court as an innovator and a potential investment. The overall strategy is to provide people with best possible services and quality thereby making food court as a profitable and stable investment. The beginning phase and the upcoming growth stages will not be supportive without the lease of the potential restaurants (Kotler, Keller, Burton, 2009). Introductory phase is like a start up business (Kotler, Keller, Burton, 2009). Once the initial phase of contracts and leasing agreements are accepted and passed, growth will continue leading to maturity phase. In order to establish the business in market, the main focus will be to maintain customers, their satisfaction and potential expansion of food court to other campuses of university. Market research will be done in terms of sales, promotions, communications, advertisements and brand development. JCU will be looking for specific businesses they feel will provide variety and quality products at reasonable prices for the consumers. Advertisements in newspapers and over internet will provide a rich source of information and contact details to people thereby creating awareness among them and promoting the business. Marketing Mix the Customer Five Ps of the Marketing Mix Product Restaurants interested to spread their business and take lease with the university. Price: Price includes the rent which will be based on square metre of space, restaurant location and other utilities. The food and related services of the restaurant would be charged as own franchise. Promotion: Advertisement will be made in leading newspapers all over Queensland and over internet for lease and contracts. JCU website will incur a link for services offered by the food court. Place: The food court will be located on the campus with massive free parking areas on campus and short-term free parking near food court for other customers. Packaging: JCU Food Court will provide healthy high quality food and a clean atmosphere. Other services include maintenance and janitorial services provided by the university. Four Cs of the Customer Customer Solution: The business is in the immediate area of the target market with high number of consumers students and faculty in JCU. Customer cost: The prices are cheaper and inexpensive due to size and location. Consumers are offered value/discount cards. The companies are responsible for other costs that include leasing prices, utilities, major renovation, appliances and fittings. Promotion Pros for customer: Promotions will be done as advertisements provided across campus at different specified locations which will be a part of rent. Convenience: The location will be convenient and suitable for the customers and will offer a large number of employments. Other considerations like maintenance and janitorial services will be provided by JCU food Court. Marketing Research Marketing research will focus on consumer retention, stability and satisfaction, market segments and the target markets. Market research would therefore include the following Consumer eating habits, student movements. Motivation for the food court began after receiving grievances about the lack of food options within the proximity of the campus. Market sampling comprise of local restaurants and cafes. Sampling will determine to gather the leasing space in food court of university. Survey consists of dichotomous, Likert scale and intention to buy questions to convert into quantitative data (Kotler, Keller, Burton, 2009). Preparation and circulation of survey by email with completion online as primary method. Students, faculty, hospital staff and other customers are all inculcated in the sampling procedure. Sampling procedure will take into account some questions to evaluate behaviour of the customers and their interest in food court. Online surveys will be available for students and staff to give their feedback on performance and services provided by the food court. Drop box will be set up at various points within the university area and the hospital so that people can feel free to give their comments and suggestions. Results and percentages assess the interest in JCU Food Court; the cost to profit finances; how to promote to target market; narrow specific target market groups. The information from all the above mentioned sources will be compiled and computed to generate quantitative data which further will strengthen the development of frequency distributions which can be charted in order to clearly view the statistical findings and determine whether it rejects or accepts the hypothesis (Kotler, Keller, Burton, 2009). Financials Financial Controls This section will deal with some of the relevant financial situations regarding marketing the food court in the market. This section include Break even analysis, sales forecast, expense forecast and indicate how these activities are related to the marketing strategy of the firm. Break Even Analysis The break-even analysis indicates that as to reach break-even point the income required is $ 500,000 Figure 1 Break Even Analysis Controls Procedures JCU Food Court incurs a marketing plan to start up the business as a guide for creating interest from restaurants giving the best performance by providing customers with best quality and quantity. The control procedures will take into account the initial expenses and revenues, cost of maintenance and other janitorial services, lease contract agreements, leasers and customer satisfaction. Contingency Planning Difficulties and Risks Turn down of the secondary target market Risk of entering into saturated market Promotional failure and lack of awareness among customers Closure of restaurants in the food court Power outage Worst-Case Risks Risk of business failure due to lack of profits and inability to cover liabilities. Financial instability during the course of growth phase.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing the Hero in Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut and A Perfect Day for Bananafish :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Misfit Hero in Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut and A Perfect Day for Bananafish The "Misfit Hero" is a common trait of J.D. Salinger's short stories. The "Misfit Hero" is a character who is in conflict with him or herself and has good qualities and bad qualities. This hero is usually isolated and is attempting to break out of his darkness because he craves and requires love and warmth. These protagonists are unable to function effectively in society because they are so overcome with experience, love, and perceptions. An outsider sometimes reaches out by a romantic gesture that is ridiculous but tender, meaningful, and unexpected (French 305). In "A Perfect Day for Bananafish", the protagonist, Seymour Glass, has a spiritual illness which makes him incapable of distinguishing between significant and insignificant experiences. Seymour's actions seem to demand attention in an immature way, suggesting insecurity and a need for love (French 306). He disrupts the composure of adults. Seymour does not show up for his own wedding because he says he is too happy. The nature of this happiness is further illuminated through the use of a boyhood experience of Seymour's: at the age of twelve he threw a stone at a young girl, wounding her for life. The narrator, Seymour's brother, explains the incident this way: We were up at the Lake. Seymour had written to Charlotte, inviting her to come and visit us, and her mother finally let her. What happened was, she sat down in the middle of our driveway one morning to pet Boo Boo's cat, and Seymour threw a stone at her because she looked so beautiful sitting there in the middle of the driveway with Boo Boo's cat. Everybody knew that for God's sake. (Salinger Raise 89) Seymour's own understanding of his derangement is a more creative one. He writes in his journal: Certain heads, certain colors and textures of human hair leave permanent marks on me. Other things too. Charlotte once ran away from me outside the studio and I grabbed her dress to stop her, to keep her near me. A yellow cotton dress I loved because it was too long for her. I still have a lemon-yellow mark on the palm of my right hand, I'm a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy. (Salinger Raise 75-76) It is obvious that Seymour's perception of this incident differs from that of his brother.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

As we sit here this evening, knowing not what lies ahead, but feeling satisfied that we have completed this challenge, we start to wonder. What have we gained from these last 13 years of school? How often have we asked ourselves: Why do we attend school? What do we expect to accomplish? And what do we gain? Questions, whose importance we may not fully understand today, but which have drastically molded our futures. Sure, this path hasn't been the easiest to follow, but we navigated through the complications and tribulations to the point we are at now, and I ask once again, what have we gained? Education has supplied us with a commonality, a basic foundation on which we may establish our ideas. These ideas are the essential elements that dominate our lives. Each is unique and special. But just like it is perplexing to communicate without understanding the other person, it is difficult to express ideas without an education. Today, let us give thanks to all those who have helped us along the way: our parents for their love and support, our teachers for their dedication and encouragement, and to our fellow classmates for their friendship and compassion. In this stage of life we are still discovering ourselves and the world around us. Our experiences are lacking and our world varies tremendously from our parents' and grandparents' generations. We are still struggling for meaning and purpose. As we continue to grow and develop, our understanding will blossom and our convictions will strengthen. Because of our technology, our generation can communicate world-wide. As we continue to strive for greater opportunities and a better life, we must resist being consumed by our own inventions and instead aspire to personally interact with the outside world. The Internet and other modes of communication can only provide a window, a seat in the theater of life. The world is a stage and we are the actors -- the performers that touch the lives of our children -- the innovators of this conventional realm. Technology can only perform the tasks we program into it; accomplishment requires a human being. Striving for knowledge and perfection is admirabl e, but have the courage to maintain your personal identity. Put your emphasis on the qualities that define our individual personalities and contribute to our diversity. So, what have we gained? These last 13 years of school have prepared us for the journey we are about to embark upon.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fast food

Fast Food Currently, most of the people depend on fast food which is easily accessible rather than cooking food at home which is a time consuming task. Fast food is the most popular food in America. Does fast food proves to be a healthy option for a daily purpose? Is fast food healthy? Being an argumentative topic this term â€Å"fast food† comes up with many questions. Fast food is a quick way of filling up your stomach but it is followed by many unknown and known disadvantages. As a peek in the â€Å"Consumers reports on fast food: four big names lose† from the book â€Å"TheNorton Field Guide to Writing†, the reporter mentions that † Next time you have a craving for fast food, think twice before slowing down for Burger King, KFC, McDonald's, or Taco Bell†. The fast food restaurants the reporter mentioned here, are the most famous and renowned places, where the consumer is attracted to eat due to food and low prices. In my opinion there is only one reason why anyone should rely on fast food couple of times and that is time saving. It saves time. But there are many other reasons as surveyed by the reporters for people to be attracted towards fast food.One major reason is the low prices. As also mentioned in the research named â€Å"Fast foods† from the â€Å"Black book† by â€Å"Emanuel Goldman- Alfred L. Simon†, that, â€Å"McDonald's might not be ready with the problems with its chicken†. But, if we see as a whole the prices of McDonald's are very low which hides the fact that there have been many issues with the chicken it use. People are attracted to McDonald's even today for their meals. There are many problems caused due to the regular intake of fast foods. Some serious problems are Obesity, weight gain, type two diabetes, coronary artery disease and PCOD.Obesity is one of the most common and erious problems found in Americans. This problem is a clear and direct result of the lifestyle in Ameri ca. The habit of substituting meals with the fast food gives a birth to obesity in an individual. In the Journal, â€Å"Fast Food: Unfriendly and Unhealthy' from â€Å"International Journal of Obesity', the author S Stender, J Dyerberg, and A Astrup has given the example of a documentary film ‘super-size me', where the character Mr. Spurlock ate McDonald's food thrice a day for 30 days and gained 11 kg.This film raises a question that whether fast food poses a special health risk. This is a very mportant question to be answered for all the fast food lovers. The other problems like PCOD and diabetes are a result of fats food intake. The Polycystic ovarian disease found in most of the women these days is caused due to the weight gain. This weight gain is a result of our food habits, like consumption of fast food on a regular basis. Another reason for the increased craving for fast food among the kids is the fast food ads which are made graphically innovative so as to attract t he kids.The recent study shown by â€Å"The Washington Post† in their program, â€Å"Trying to Cut Back on Fast Food Ads for kids†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ mentioned that the obesity in kids of age group 6-11 has gone down because some fast food chains have cut down in their advertising. This statement shows that the advertisements and obesity in kids are directly proportional to each other. This is a strategic advertisement plan for the fast food agencies to make profit. They invest more on advertisements targeting the kids as their main audience and are women.Young women are facing many problems due to the intake of fast foods. In a Journal â€Å"Dieting Behaviors of Young Women Post-College Graduation†, the uthors â€Å"Soliah, LuAnn Walter, Janele Antosh and Deeanna†, had conducted a survey that included questions about the eating habits of women and their psychological affinity for food. The conclusion of the survey was not shocking but very obvious that three groups of women appeared to be at an increased risk of unhealthy eating and poor food selection decisions.The unhealthy food here is the fast food. Fast food is the most selling food worldwide. There are many reasons one cannot avoid the fast food. Good taste is one of the biggest reasons. Low prices are another reason which attracts the consumer. Fast food has become the regular meal of people. Whenever I visit any food chain I can see a bunch of people spending their valuable money on something which could be harmful for their health. The conclusion, henceforth, is very clear that fast food is not healthy in any terms.Fast food consumed results in many problems which are ignored by the fast food consumers. America faces most of the consequences of eating fast food on a regular basis. Some problems are very serious like obesity and diabetes which are a direct result of fast food consumption. It is still not late for the people to put a light on the articles and surveys conducted n the fas t food being a disaster and learn a lesson through their results. Fast food industries should be responsible enough to advertise less or make their food healthy instead of cheesy and greasy.An individual should keep a track on their diet decisions rationing them with their daily intake fast food and other diet. The comparison would be very useful for an individual to realize how to make their health and wealth lives longer and strong. Fast Food odBradd DentFast Food Nation Questions Introduction America’s fast food industry was founded by self made man who took risk, worked hard, some not even going to collage. Today the industry relies on a low-paid and unskilled workforce, where a handful are able to rise up the corporate ladder, while the vast majority lack fulltime employment, receive no benefits, and end up quitting after a few months. The fast food industry prospered over the last 30 years because minimum wage was lowered, marking was directed at children, federal agencies meant to protect workers and consumers ended up working for the companies, and corporations worked with congress to oppose laws that didn’t help them. The â€Å"American world view† is embodied in fast food because it takes advantage of those who don’t know any better. Chapter 1 The element of car based restaurants like the ones started in Southern California encouraged the spread of fast food because they had good food, became successful, and were very popular among young people. Chapter 2 Disney and Kroc were similar because they both used science to sell their products, made up famous mascots to sell products and both focused selling to kids. They were different because Disney founded his company, and Kroc bought his, they sold different products, and Kroc wasn’t involved in politics, while Disney was. Their companies cooperated when McDonald’s agreed to sell Disney toys and Disney agreed to allow McDonald’s in Disneyland. The fast food industry started with billboard ads to attract kids and evolved to adverting every where, from TV, to the internet, to school hallways. They also make the restaurants themselves fun for kids with play places and selling toys so they want to go more, and even as adults bring their own kids. Personally, I don’t think it is ethical to advertise in schools because it fast food is unhealthy and kids should be learning that, not that the burgers at McDonald’s get and A in taste. Chapter 3 Most employees of fast food restaurants ate teenagers because most are willing to work long hours with little pay. Fast food corporations relentlessly stop their workers from unionizing by doing things like integrating workers with information about a possible union with lie detectors, or closing locations with unions and opening new locations near by. Working conditions at fast food restaurants are unsafe. Typical dangers the employees face ate slips, fall, cuts, burns, and robberies. Problems are dealt with by increasing security with cameras or more parking lot lights. If I worked at a fast food restaurant and I injured my self, I might not tell my manager because I could loose my job because they could blame me for the injury. Chapter 4 The advantages of starting your own business is if it is successful, you could get a lot of money, not to mention you are your own boss so no one besides the government tells you how to run your business. The disadvantages are the business could be unsuccessful and you could loose a lot of money. The advantages of working for someone else are you do not have to make too many tough decisions. The disadvantages are you will not make as much money as your boss, and you may not like your boss for whatever reason. Some legal issues that fast food franchises have been involved in are the Coble’s Bill which makes franchises obey the principles other companies follow. The Subway fast food franchise was involved in the SBA which helps restaurants by giving them government funds. Subway got involved and made it so they would get extra money. Chapter 5 Family farms are disappearing because industry farms take all the business and close family farms because they have no one to sell to. there are only a few small potato farms left because industries take up all the land and business. The take-over of agricultural farms effects communities because local farms go out of business and communities become dependent on the corporate farm. Chapter 6 Development and fast food farms take land and effects cattle pastures because there is less land for the cattle to graze. Since most cowboys and ranchers have gone out of business, they have become irreverent in today’s culture. The government set up the Sherman Antitrust Act and a congressional investigation in the meet packing industry to help ranchers. Later, the Reagan administration allowed the top four meat packing firms to merge and they took over the cattle markets. Corporate domination affected family farms by forcing them to work for them or go out of business. Self-reliance is still a viable goal for Americans, but has become very difficult because of big corporations. The fast food industry makes chicken farmers work for them or they would get no business. In farm culture, the land is a tangible connection to the past, meant to be handed down and not sold. To native Americans, the land meant life and prosperity. In traditional Irish culture, the land is a link to past generations and to loose the land meant to fail your relatives. Their concept of land is similar to the American concept. Chapter 7 The demands of the fast food industry changed towns by making is so almost everyone ends up eating fast food because the industries are aloud to put their restaurants wherever they want and advertise as much as they want until the town’s economy runs on the fast food restaurants. Chapter 8 Meatpacking is dangerous because of the machines and rarely cleaned cutting tools. Since a meatpacking manager’s bonus is based in part on injury rate, many injuries go unreported and the worker is either given an easer job to takes time off to recover. Chapter 9 The meat packing and meat processing industry has been a spreader of disease because the animals are not screened well enough or sick workers spreading disease on the animals. After reading about the pathogens in hamburger meat, I am concerned about food poisoning in fast food. E. coli is not common in restaurant food, but is likely to be in hamburger meat. Chapter 10 Many Americans are obese because of lack of information and improper food laws. Fast food probably plays a big part in obesity because it provides unhealthy food to almost every where. Americans are probably more obese than other countries because fast food started here. Fast food companies increase the size of their meals to effect the calorie count look better for the per serving part. This effects American health because it is misguiding and you eat more than you thought you were going to. People in other countries do not want fast food because they have seen its effect on America. Epilogue The free market Schosser talks about leaves workers unprotected with little interference from the government. In the quote, Schosser is referring to the free market. I agree to what Schlosser says on 216. I believe the government needs to work harder to protect both the workers and consumers of fast food. At the end of the Epilogue, the author remedies his criticisms with the fact that it is a persons choice to eat want. Afterword Mad Cow disease is a disease that slowly destroys the brain and can be spread through hamburger meat. It can be controlled by feeding cows grass instead of corn and hormones, and inspecting the meat better. Cattle get infected by it because they stand in the dung of an effected cattle. It is a very serous threat to humans. Fast food Fast Food Currently, most of the people depend on fast food which is easily accessible rather than cooking food at home which is a time consuming task. Fast food is the most popular food in America. Does fast food proves to be a healthy option for a daily purpose? Is fast food healthy? Being an argumentative topic this term â€Å"fast food† comes up with many questions. Fast food is a quick way of filling up your stomach but it is followed by many unknown and known disadvantages. As a peek in the â€Å"Consumers reports on fast food: four big names lose† from the book â€Å"TheNorton Field Guide to Writing†, the reporter mentions that † Next time you have a craving for fast food, think twice before slowing down for Burger King, KFC, McDonald's, or Taco Bell†. The fast food restaurants the reporter mentioned here, are the most famous and renowned places, where the consumer is attracted to eat due to food and low prices. In my opinion there is only one reason why anyone should rely on fast food couple of times and that is time saving. It saves time. But there are many other reasons as surveyed by the reporters for people to be attracted towards fast food.One major reason is the low prices. As also mentioned in the research named â€Å"Fast foods† from the â€Å"Black book† by â€Å"Emanuel Goldman- Alfred L. Simon†, that, â€Å"McDonald's might not be ready with the problems with its chicken†. But, if we see as a whole the prices of McDonald's are very low which hides the fact that there have been many issues with the chicken it use. People are attracted to McDonald's even today for their meals. There are many problems caused due to the regular intake of fast foods. Some serious problems are Obesity, weight gain, type two diabetes, coronary artery disease and PCOD.Obesity is one of the most common and erious problems found in Americans. This problem is a clear and direct result of the lifestyle in Ameri ca. The habit of substituting meals with the fast food gives a birth to obesity in an individual. In the Journal, â€Å"Fast Food: Unfriendly and Unhealthy' from â€Å"International Journal of Obesity', the author S Stender, J Dyerberg, and A Astrup has given the example of a documentary film ‘super-size me', where the character Mr. Spurlock ate McDonald's food thrice a day for 30 days and gained 11 kg.This film raises a question that whether fast food poses a special health risk. This is a very mportant question to be answered for all the fast food lovers. The other problems like PCOD and diabetes are a result of fats food intake. The Polycystic ovarian disease found in most of the women these days is caused due to the weight gain. This weight gain is a result of our food habits, like consumption of fast food on a regular basis. Another reason for the increased craving for fast food among the kids is the fast food ads which are made graphically innovative so as to attract t he kids.The recent study shown by â€Å"The Washington Post† in their program, â€Å"Trying to Cut Back on Fast Food Ads for kids†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ mentioned that the obesity in kids of age group 6-11 has gone down because some fast food chains have cut down in their advertising. This statement shows that the advertisements and obesity in kids are directly proportional to each other. This is a strategic advertisement plan for the fast food agencies to make profit. They invest more on advertisements targeting the kids as their main audience and are women.Young women are facing many problems due to the intake of fast foods. In a Journal â€Å"Dieting Behaviors of Young Women Post-College Graduation†, the uthors â€Å"Soliah, LuAnn Walter, Janele Antosh and Deeanna†, had conducted a survey that included questions about the eating habits of women and their psychological affinity for food. The conclusion of the survey was not shocking but very obvious that three groups of women appeared to be at an increased risk of unhealthy eating and poor food selection decisions.The unhealthy food here is the fast food. Fast food is the most selling food worldwide. There are many reasons one cannot avoid the fast food. Good taste is one of the biggest reasons. Low prices are another reason which attracts the consumer. Fast food has become the regular meal of people. Whenever I visit any food chain I can see a bunch of people spending their valuable money on something which could be harmful for their health. The conclusion, henceforth, is very clear that fast food is not healthy in any terms.Fast food consumed results in many problems which are ignored by the fast food consumers. America faces most of the consequences of eating fast food on a regular basis. Some problems are very serious like obesity and diabetes which are a direct result of fast food consumption. It is still not late for the people to put a light on the articles and surveys conducted n the fas t food being a disaster and learn a lesson through their results. Fast food industries should be responsible enough to advertise less or make their food healthy instead of cheesy and greasy.An individual should keep a track on their diet decisions rationing them with their daily intake fast food and other diet. The comparison would be very useful for an individual to realize how to make their health and wealth lives longer and strong.